Time…Our Most Valuable Asset…

Ask any successful entrepreneur for the secret to his/her success–and most, if not all–will underscore the importance of time management. It’s not one of those “sexy” areas that sells magazines or is featured in interviews of business magnates. Yet, scores of books and articles are devoted to this topic—and why? Because it is the answer!

I am going to tell you about the method that I use. It has made a huge difference in my business. I will also share some other tips and suggestions from experts. The most important piece is to find a system that works for you. Trust me, you will see the results.

I use time blocks. This is a technique used by many entrepreneurs as it distinctly illustrates the value of time. There are a few methods of time blocking—I break each hour into six ten minute coins where each coin represents a dollar amount. Are you in the habit of throwing away a $20 bill? Well, that’s what I am doing if I waste ten minutes scrolling Facebook instead of answering my emails.

In a previous blog, we talked about the importance of tackling the most important/difficult problems or tasks first. Your first time blocks of the day should be devoted to your most complex tasks.

As time management guru Charlotte Siems writes in Ten Minute Time Management, “Let’s face it, putting things off usually feels bad.  Completing dreaded tasks feels really good.  Using the power of ten minutes is an easy way to get them checked off your list and start great momentum towards your goals.”
She also advises, “Make sure that some of those ten-minute slots are spent doing things that get you closer to your goals, not just maintenance tasks. What if you spent ten minutes a day writing a book? How much would you get done in three months? Six months? One thing is sure, spending the six months waiting for the “perfect time” to spend two hours a day writing your book means that you’ll get zero done.”

Successful business people all agree: It all comes down to time. When you start tracking it you begin to realize just how much of it you have been wasting! Focus on your goals—and what you want to accomplish—and get going!

Business Advisor AJ Rivera recommends always having a plan of attack for the day.

“I physically write down everything I plan to do that day. I write out my three big goals for the day and my gratitude list, and set specific, measurable goals that are mapped out by the hour. I then reflect and note my lessons learned at the end of each day.”

As I mentioned, there are different time management systems and the lesson here is to find the approach that works for you. While you are looking…

Here are a few tips that will help maximize your time:
The University of Georgia

• Set aside times of the day for receiving calls and let others know when you are available.
• Stand up while you talk on the phone. You are more likely to keep the conversation brief.
• Avoid small talk. Stay focused on the reason for the call.
• Take any necessary action immediately following the call.
• Set aside a specific time to view and respond to your mail and e-mail, but don’t let it accumulate to the point that it becomes overwhelming to sort.
• Turn off instant messaging features on e-mail.
• Handle each item only once, if possible. Practice the options for dealing with clutter listed earlier.
• Sort mail near a garbage can and delete junk e-mail immediately from your electronic mailbox.


  • Don’t schedule meetings unless they are necessary and have a specific purpose or agenda
  • Know the purpose of the meeting in advance.
  • Prepare an agenda and stick to it. Use a timed agenda, if necessary.
  • Arrive on time.
  • Start and end the meeting on time.

So…are you ready to manage your time?

Always remember:

Either run the day…or the day runs you!” Jim Rohn

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