I am passionate about sharing my thoughts, tips and tricks of how to overcome adversity, eliminate excuses and succeed in business and life.

Eat Your Problems for Breakfast

Eat Your Problems for Breakfast

What??? I know, I know…Problems don’t sound that appetizing. They also sound more like something that discourages you from starting your day with passion and intensity rather than a catalyst to push you toward your goals. Take it from me. I have learned the hard way that saving problems for later in the day–like the […]

It’s Time To Burn Your Boat

It’s Time To Burn Your Boat

Let me begin with a brief story, so stay with me because it will make sense in a minute… It was the year 1519 and Hernán Cortés, with some 600 Spaniards and 11 boats, landed on a vast inland plateau called, Mexico. The Span­ish con­quis­ta­dor and his men were about to embark on a con­quest […]


Have you ever really wanted something? Maybe it was when you were a kid, and you really wanted that bike—that PlayStation—or maybe a date with the person you were crushing on. I am going to bet that you were pretty relentless in your quest, constantly talking about it, bothering your parents etc. Well that right […]

Expect to Win

Several years ago while I was in college, a professor told me that people tend to get what they think about all of the time. If someone thinks negative thoughts on a regular basis, they are bound to have a pretty miserable life. He explained that the opposite is also true for a positive thinker. […]