Eat Your Problems for Breakfast

Eat Your Problems for Breakfast

What??? I know, I know…Problems don’t sound that appetizing. They also sound more like something that discourages you from starting your day with passion and intensity rather than a catalyst to push you toward your goals. Take it from me. I have learned the hard way that saving problems for later in the day–like the […]

It’s Time To Burn Your Boat

It’s Time To Burn Your Boat

Let me begin with a brief story, so stay with me because it will make sense in a minute… It was the year 1519 and Hernán Cortés, with some 600 Spaniards and 11 boats, landed on a vast inland plateau called, Mexico. The Span­ish con­quis­ta­dor and his men were about to embark on a con­quest […]


Have you ever really wanted something? Maybe it was when you were a kid, and you really wanted that bike—that PlayStation—or maybe a date with the person you were crushing on. I am going to bet that you were pretty relentless in your quest, constantly talking about it, bothering your parents etc. Well that right […]

Expect to Win

Several years ago while I was in college, a professor told me that people tend to get what they think about all of the time. If someone thinks negative thoughts on a regular basis, they are bound to have a pretty miserable life. He explained that the opposite is also true for a positive thinker. […]